Monday, March 24, 2014

The Kids

"It's gonna happen!" Dumping rocks on the ground is a great time.

Wiping my face

Her hair is always amazing

It's great that he can't read yet, because this game isn't child friendly.

He keeps a close eye on Cole...

…because he's always doing something funny!

These kids are such a constant joy in my life! They are hilarious and every activity they take part in is done with a smile and a zest that influences me in my own day to day life. I mean, I don't know anyone else who gets such a kick out of a card game that they don't understand and aren't playing.


Friday, March 21, 2014

Farmer's Market

Cole's brother was in town, so we ended up 'playing tourists' for most of Saturday. We met Adam and his girlfriend Amanda, down at the Ferry Building, where they have a farmer's market every Saturday.
4505 Meats is always busy and always worth it.

Our makeshift table

French fries for breakfast? Yes please.

Cole got this amazing burger with a sunny side up egg on top.

This doesn't even begin to cover the amount of vendors at this place

View from Sinbad's. Italy's boat 'Artemis' went by, but my zoom wasn't too great. It was the sailing yacht they raced in the America's Cup. I was curious why it was there, but was thrilled to see it!

Adam and Amanda enjoying Cole's conversation

This is a fun place and I always enjoy the decor

From Ghiredelli Square, we could see this tall ship. The port was closed, so Cole promised me we could go down another day to investigate it!

We were thrilled that Adam was able to come up for the day. We always enjoy 'playing tourist' once and a while.


Thursday, March 20, 2014

Oscar Night

Our ballots

Pizza making

The Oscars are one of those things that I don't pay attention to. I've usually never seen the movies nor do I care for the long award shows. I can always rely on my favorite celebrity gossip blog to highlight the winners and the best dressed. However, our friends invited us over to watch the Oscars and make pizza, so we said yes! We all got to make two 'individual' sized pizzas with whatever toppings we wanted. It was fun to try what other people had created. My favorite ended up being the vegan pizza! I printed out ballots to make the night a little more interesting, and we each wagered $1 on the entire thing (I know it seems like I bet a lot, but truly I don't!). Cole ended up winning the $5, but I think we were all winners because we all ate PIZZA! Ugh, I love pizza.


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

(Another) Day at the Races

Dapper Crew

Face of a winner. Well, I lost money, but I'm a winner!

Golden Gate Fields in Berkeley offers Dollar Days on Sundays. A few of us took advantage of the gorgeous weather and took Bart into Berkely. I wasn't as lucky as our first time at the races, but we all had a great day and look super dapper. We stopped at a bar on the way home to watch the Closing Ceremonies of the Winter Olympics and took the time to pose for more photos.

Thanks for reading!    

Raley's TV Commercial

I shot this last year, and they released it a few days ago! This is my second commercial for Raley's and I always have such a great time working with them.

