Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Coming from a one team town, it's strange and exciting to have a few teams to choose from in the Bay Area. We can head to a Giants game one day and hop over to Oakland for an A's game the next day. I always root for the home team, unless they're playing the Red Sox. Last week we saw the A's win over the Giants and the Giants win over the Diamondbacks.


AT&T Park

Sitting in the bleachers allows you to take in the views of the Bay.


Sunday, July 6, 2014

4th of July

Fireworks, cookouts, drinks, and swimming. These are what most people experience on our Independence Day, but since I live in San Francisco, none of these things are really possible without the aid of Divine Intervention and fleece. Lots of fleece.
It was a typical 63 degree and foggy day, but we were determined to have a good old fashion 4th. We packed up supplies for Baker Beach and set up camp. Sure it was slightly chilly and foggy. Sure our grill ended up not working. And yes, as it turned out the fog was still too thick for those of us on the ground to see anything other than splashes of color on the clouds. We still had a blast though and a few of us even got sunburns!
After a few hours we headed back to my apartment to eat hot dogs and warm up. People in the neighborhood were setting off their own fireworks, so I fell asleep to the sound of pops and whistles. It was strangely soothing.

Although I wasn't in Truckee this year, I still enjoy wearing this shirt.

Many beach go-ers despite the weather.

Dom shoving a pretzel rod in his mouth...

...and running down the hill.

I hope you all had a tremendous 4th of July filled with hot dogs and sunshine!


Thursday, July 3, 2014

Tea Party

This past weekend we celebrated Rori turning 2! She had a tea party that was influenced by the Fancy Nancy books. Have you guys heard of Fancy Nancy? The books are wonderful and I adore (that's a fancy word for like or admire very much) the character.


Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Last week we finally attended the California Academy of Sciences Nightlife. Since 2009, the museum is open from 6-10pm on Thursdays for the 21+ crowd. It's a great way to see all the exhibits without hoards of school children around. Also, they have cocktails.

Courtesy of Wikipedia

This is the line up for the night we went.

Rainforest Exhibit

It was very humid in the rainforest!


I guess it was past their bedtime.

We saw this guy whip his tongue out to eat a cricket! It was awesome.

The critters love the glass.


The view underneath the tunnel in the aquarium.

The earthquake exhibit allows you to feel the strength of the tremors during the '06 and '89 earthquakes.

We weren't able to get passes into the Planetarium, because they had run out by the time we got there. Next time we'll plan ahead to get there early enough to grab some.
