Thursday, September 11, 2014


I just woke up from the most relaxing dirt nap. What's a dirt nap? Oh my, it's glorious. I've made it my own term for a nap that you take fully clothed and without bothering to remove makeup. I usually reserve this term exclusively for when they happen in the bedroom (a night of imbibing does not count! It truly has to be a nap), but I've been expanding it to include the couch. So that's where I'm coming from right now...Dirt Nap.

I decided to write down a list of goals I have for myself for the 2014-2015 year. I'm not into resolutions, I find that I'm no good at guilt tripping myself into becoming a 'better me' just because. I'm more of a write down things that would make you happy and challenge you throughout the year, kind of gal. So I finally compiled a list of activities I would love to start. Time and money always seem to get in the way, but I figured that if I post it on here, a few of you may hold me accountable. Pressure is a good thing.

In no particular order:

1.  The French Class - My french is extremely limited due to lack of use and the fact that I haven't had a lesson since 8th grade! I'd love to become more proficient.

2. Sailing Lessons - We've sailed with them once before, and I've always wanted to learn how to sail myself. Plus, they allow you to rent their sailboats once you're certified! Captain Melissa taking over the Seven Seas...

3. Workshop SF  - This place looks so cool. They offer DIY workshops in subjects like pickling, flower arrangement and leather belt making. There's a few coming up this month that I'm hoping to sign up for! Martha Stewart would be so envious.

4. Alonzo King Lines - I have this dream that I will enroll in a beginner dance class, and they will be so blown away by my talent that they will insist that I become a professional and I'll be the greatest and oldest Prima Ballerina the profession has ever seen. It's totally possible, I've been told I have amazing feet for ballet.

5. Yoga - I used to do Bikram Yoga, but moved away from the studio I loved. Since this is such a personal choice, I'm going to try a few studios around my neighborhood to find the teacher and style that I like. My back and muscles will thank me.

6. Circus Center - Circus training. Obviously.

7. Acting Classes - With any profession, you constantly have to stretch and grow. While my work at Stanford (more on that next time) keeps me engaged with those muscles we actors use, it's nice to be in an actual class. A.C.T offers great classes and I'm excited to choose one that won't conflict with our weddings.

So there we have it! I know some of these things will take time to accomplish but I'm excited to start scheduling and have you follow along on my quest to become a french speaking, Sailing Circus Ballerina Star who quotes Shakespeare while in tree pose.


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