Tuesday, January 7, 2014

New Year, New Challenges

What's good for the Goose is good for the Gander. Or in my case, what's good for Jay-Z and Beyonce is good for me and Cole. Right before we started our gestational tour of Australia (we ate kangaroo!), Cole thought it would be a good idea to do a month long vegetarian diet once we returned. Well, wouldn't you know that one of the world's power couples had just finished their own 22 day vegetarian challenge, and I was all for it.
Many of my life's decisions are based around theirs. Courtesy of Bey's tumbler.

San Francisco is a fantastic city to live in if you're a herbivore, with all of the specialty stores and restaurants (one aptly named Herbivore) that cater to the diets. I've gone farther with our challenge and am going Vegan. Of course, if a box of Cheez-its comes across my path, I'll destroy it with my mouth.
I've woken up in my bed covered in Cheez-its. Dirty nomnoms. Courtesy of amynameisamy.com

I'm not a fan of New Years Resolutions, because who actually keeps them? I'd rather do a challenge that has an end and that I feel good about completing. 

Thanks for reading!


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