Monday, February 3, 2014

Good Sport

During my 'career' as an athlete, I was constantly reminded to be a 'good sport'. Be proud of your success and congratulate others on theirs, even if it meant you coming in second, or not placing at all. So when the Patriots lost to Denver, I donned some Navy and Orange to show my support for the Broncos in the Super Bowl (can I write that? Am I going to get sued?). I had a coach in high school, who told us to always root for the team who beat you. When they win, then you know that they truly earned it and to not be upset about losing to them. Of course, if they lose to a team who completely DOMINATES them, then you can rest with a different peace of mind. The peace that you weren't the team to get destroyed...
I believe that playing sports has helped my career and ambition as an actor. The intensity, practice, and set up for disappointment despite your best efforts, are all things shared by artists and athletes. It also helped that my parents would say that I was going to 'play practice', and intermission would mistakenly be called 'half-time'. Truth: They still say these things.
So when another actress gets cast instead of me, you can be damn sure that I'm rooting for her to kick ass and give a fantastic performance, because if she doesn't, then what kind of audition did I give where they thought she was the best choice? So be a good sport and root for the one who 'beat' you. Oh, and congratulations Seattle!


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