Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Sushi Night

For my friend's 30th, she had the fantastic idea of making sushi. Lauren's mother is an incredible cook, so she was on hand to help out while Lauren socialized. It was a great way to celebrate and it was certainly memorable.
Never arrive empty handed.

The family dog, suitably named Sushi Roll.

So much sticky rice.

Fresh, sushi grade salmon. There was even smoked salmon, and both were purchased from a fishmonger that is trustworthy.

Birthday Gal!

I really need to stop squishing my arms against my body during photos. Seriously.


Thursday, June 12, 2014


I had such a fabulous day! Cole and I went to a few of my favorite spots before catching the Giants game. After packing my L.L. Bean tote bag with extra layers and a blanket (fog season makes night games super chilly), we headed down to the Embarcadero.

Our first stop was Hog Island Oyster Co. Situated inside the Ferry Building, it offers delicious food and amazing views of the bay.

The fog started to roll in, and I was so glad I brought extra layers.

We walked next door to my new favorite spot.

Expressing my gratitude to all the Facebook messages. Also, not drinking a Bud.

Sinbad's has great views.

Watching the ferries come in...

...and out.
It's about a 15 minute walk to the ballpark, and there's a ton of fun things to see on the way.
These fun sea life sculptures serve double duty. They are actually skate stops to prevent skateboarders from chipping away at the concrete.

Enough space to sit.

Cupid's Span

Boats and boats and boats and...

The park!

We had great seats.

Clip of Varsity Blues on my birthday. I was in heaven.
Thank you all for the kind wishes and thoughtful cards! 


Monday, June 9, 2014

Charmed Life

It all started with a joke. A few of us Quine women were laughing about the recent (this was about 15 years ago) trend of grooming and dyeing the, uh, nether regions. We were all looking through a Tiffany's magazine at the time, so of course we decided that a Tiffany box would be the perfect shape for us. To my knowledge, no one actually got one, but it was hilarious to talk about. Well, for Christmas that year, my Aunt got a few of us a Tiffany box charm to remind us of that conversation.

Since that first charm, I began adding to my bracelet each year and I love the stories I'm reminded of each time I look at it.
The first charm.

It even opens! Perfect for hiding little notes.
My parents went to London and bought me this. I went a few years later, so it represents both trips.
Represents my New England upbringing.

A diver to remind me of my beloved sport.


High School graduation.

My career.

This was given to me as a gift from the Men's Basketball team, for being a cheerleader.

The season is engraved on the back.
My most recent charm, an oyster shell! I love oysters.

I finally started my gold charm bracelet!


Sunday, June 8, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend

"Who kept the faith and fought the fight; The glory theirs, the duty ours."- Wallace Bruce

I'm not going to launch into a guilt inducing history of Memorial Day, and that it's more than just a reason to BBQ during a three day weekend, because that's EXACTLY what I did. I'm grateful to all those who died in the name of this country, and who's sacrifices helped insure the freedoms and opportunities we take for granted. Like barbequeing and taking in a baseball game.

My friend and UVM roommate, Cameron, was in town for the weekend and we went to the Giants game!

Grilling at our friend's place.

Prepping the shrimp skewers. They were delicious!

Queen of Cats. There were two on her lap and they both HATED being outside.

It's tradition! I skinned my knee that weekend.  The broken toe happened a week earlier.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day, full of reflection and fun!
