Sunday, June 8, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend

"Who kept the faith and fought the fight; The glory theirs, the duty ours."- Wallace Bruce

I'm not going to launch into a guilt inducing history of Memorial Day, and that it's more than just a reason to BBQ during a three day weekend, because that's EXACTLY what I did. I'm grateful to all those who died in the name of this country, and who's sacrifices helped insure the freedoms and opportunities we take for granted. Like barbequeing and taking in a baseball game.

My friend and UVM roommate, Cameron, was in town for the weekend and we went to the Giants game!

Grilling at our friend's place.

Prepping the shrimp skewers. They were delicious!

Queen of Cats. There were two on her lap and they both HATED being outside.

It's tradition! I skinned my knee that weekend.  The broken toe happened a week earlier.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day, full of reflection and fun!


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