Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Pescadero, CA

Last Monday, Cole and I went on a mini road trip to Pescadero, CA. It's about an hour south of San Francisco, and taking Highway 1 offered us gorgeous views of the ocean. Cole's pretty game for road trips, and I usually don't tell him where we are going until halfway to our destination. Sometimes I just don't even bother telling him. He's so trusting.
"Where am I..."

Our first stop was Harley Farms. They are Blue Ribbon winners for their goat cheese products and from the amount of samples we tasted, we agreed that it was worthy of those ribbons. We picked up two rounds of cheese and their goat feta cheese.

No farm would be complete without a friendly cat.
After we grabbed bread from the local grocery store, we drove 5 minutes down the road to see the tallest lighthouse on the West coast. Fun Fact: It was made with cast iron and not steel. Cast iron absorbs water, so over the years most of the structure rusted and started to fall apart.

Even the 3D sign is rusted

Facts for your face!

I enjoyed learning that a ship from Boston had a hand in the name.

You can see at the top there are missing iron chunks from the cornice. They started falling off in 2001, so the lighthouse is gated off for obvious safety reasons.

The 2,000 pound Fesnel lens is 16 feet tall! It was moved once they realized the lighthouse was falling apart.

Our snack

Our view

We headed back into town for a quick lunch before heading back to the city. If you're ever in Pescadero, go to Duarte's and get the half and half soup. The waitress recommended it, and I was so glad we went for it! It's their artichoke soup mixed with the green chile soup.

Pigeon Point Lighthouse is registered as a State Historic Park, so funding has started to repair the structure. The lighthouse is still functioning, but bringing it back to it's glory days would be a treat.


Saturday, February 14, 2015

Art Walk

Our talented friend Paul had a show during a neighborhood art walk night. On top of being a gifted painter, he's also a tattoo artist. If I ever change my mind about tattoos, he'll be the one to ink me up!

My family has a tradition of getting our portraits done when we turn five. Sadly, the new generation has has missed out on that. I'm thinking of starting the tradition back up and having Paul do them!


Girls Night

You'll have to forgive the unexpected hiatus I just took. With SF Sketchfest running from January 22-February 8 and SF Beer Week slightly overlapping (February 6-15), I've been quite the social butterfly and my bank account is has a significant dent in it.

With my friend's birthday coming up, I was so pleased to find an old fashioned invite in the mail telling me that instead of the usually night out we were having a Girls Night In, complete with movies, games, and trashy snacks.
The party took place in 1995.

Classic Games!

Dare: Have your friend do your hair and wear it like that for the rest of the night.

Dare: Let your friend apply your makeup...Blindfolded!

The Polaroid film was busted.

Most of us slept over and ate pizza and cheese puffs for breakfast. WE'RE GROWN UPS! It was a totally awesome time.
