Saturday, February 14, 2015

Girls Night

You'll have to forgive the unexpected hiatus I just took. With SF Sketchfest running from January 22-February 8 and SF Beer Week slightly overlapping (February 6-15), I've been quite the social butterfly and my bank account is has a significant dent in it.

With my friend's birthday coming up, I was so pleased to find an old fashioned invite in the mail telling me that instead of the usually night out we were having a Girls Night In, complete with movies, games, and trashy snacks.
The party took place in 1995.

Classic Games!

Dare: Have your friend do your hair and wear it like that for the rest of the night.

Dare: Let your friend apply your makeup...Blindfolded!

The Polaroid film was busted.

Most of us slept over and ate pizza and cheese puffs for breakfast. WE'RE GROWN UPS! It was a totally awesome time.


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