Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Christmas Time in the City

I think enough time has passed, where I can post Christmas photos without any of you rolling your eyes. I am one of those people who busts out the decorations the day after Thanksgiving, so having to sit on this post was a challenge. As my loving boyfriend Cole says, "There's no break with you, it's Halloweenthanksgivingchristmas". I think it's from my time working in retail. He loves it.

Growing up in the suburbs of Massachusetts, there were always plenty of Christmas lights and decorations to Oooh and Ahhh at. Living in the city has it's restrictions, with many building managers prohibiting any sort of decoration (even flags that pledge allegiance to the Giants!), so when you do see Christmas lights on houses or apartment balconies, it's quite a treat. Here are a few from my walks around the neighborhood.

Union Square Christmas Tree always makes me giddy

Macy's always puts on a great display. But they kinda have to, being the department store most associated with Christmas.

You don't see these lights often! They're the big bulb ones that my Grandparents always used.

It's hard to tell, but these were blue and white lights. Representing our Jewish brethren!

There is a snowflake on every post on Downtown Market Street. It's quite lovely and the only kind of snow SF will see.

Far away shot of Bloomingdale's

Thanks for reading!


Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Vanya Without Borders

For the past few weeks, I've been rehearsing a show to raise money for Doctors Without Borders. It's a 75-minute adaptation of Uncle Vanya. It's been pretty humbling to be apart of a production where everyone involved is donating their time, talent, and resourses to make it happen.

If you're in the Bay Area, check it out!

Where: Harry’s Upstage at Aurora Theatre Company in Berkeley
When: Dec. 12th and 13th at 7:30
How Much: $50 per ticket suggested donation- 100% of all proceeds go directly to Doctors Without Borders and all donations are 100% tax deductible. Again, this is a suggested donation.

Since this rehearsal when the photos were taken, things have changed a bit! I'll post some updated photos in a few days.

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


Yes, Friendsgiving. This relatively new (at least to me) holiday has become a great wind down after the stresses of gathering with family and traveling. Not that I don't thoroughly enjoy being with my family; but there's a different sense of relaxation when you're with your friends. For the second year in a row, Katherine and Anthony hosted it. Everyone was expected to bring a dish as well as BYOB. It worked out fabulously and after we were all stuffed with another full meal and wine, we switched gears and busted out the Christmas carols and watched Scrooged.

I respect people who keep a tidy kitchen whilst cooking.

Turkey (and buds) forever!

If any of you celebrated Friendsgiving this year, then I hope it was a blast!

Thanks for reading!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Hog Island

When my parents planned on coming into the city for cocktails and dinner, I knew exactly where I wanted to take them. Hog Island Oyster Company in the Ferry Building is one of my favorites and with it's relatively new renovation and expansion, it was easy to grab a seat and gorge on oysters.

That wasn't the end of our Hog Island adventure. I decided that we should go up to Marshall, CA where the oyster farm is, and shuck our own! Being twice before, I knew what to expect and what to bring, so we were set for a day of sun and kisses from the sea.

Dad shows Mom the proper way to shuck.

Mom tried, but gave up and was quite happy letting us do the work.

If you're ever in the area, I'd recommend it! Tomales Bay Oyster Company is about 4 miles down the road, so you have options if one is busy.

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, November 29, 2014


Last year, Cole and I stayed home and made our own steak dinner for Thanksgiving. With both of our families across the country (and globe in my case!), we decided on a low key affair without the hassle of travel. Well, this year my parents came over from Australia, so we had it at my sister's house in Vacaville. It was full of wonderful food and company. 

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Also, if this shows up all screwy then I apologize. My new iPhone is not compatible with my 'vintage' MacBook, so I'll be posting from my iPhone and iPad until it gets sorted out.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Last month I posted about goals I made for myself (you can revisit it here). Well, I think it's safe to knock one of those off the list. With the help of a friend, I found a yoga studio that I love and it doesn't break the bank. Yoga to the People is a donation based studio, working under the principle that yoga should be accessible to everyone, and with the 'pay what you can' rate I think they are doing just that.

I haven't had a problem getting motivated to go, especially with my buddy going with me. There are days when my body just doesn't want to bend and twist in any way, and I sometimes have a massive sweating problem that causes me to slip all over my mat (seriously, does anyone else get that? Maybe I should swipe deodorant on my hands and feet), but nothing beats the feeling of pushing through 'til the end and grabbing a celebratory chai afterwards.

You can learn more about Yoga to the People by visiting their website or better yet, in person!

Thanks for reading!


Monday, September 15, 2014

Virginia is for Lovers

The beautiful and happy Mr and Mrs!

There was a box of free figurines on the way over, so I took some and hid them all around the venue during the night.

Pretty standard for us.

Epic Bloody Mary bar at brunch.

Two weddings down, two to go! My good buddy, Michael got married in D.C. and we took the opportunity to spend extra time with Cole's family in Virginia. I always love visiting that area and find myself wishing I was back on the East Coast so I could enjoy it more frequently! Someday...

The wedding was great, and Michael designed everything right down to the invitations and the seating assignment cards. I appreciated being at the Kennedy table! Looking at these photos (all with my iphone) I'm starting to appreciate how having a quality camera would be a great investment. 
