Tuesday, January 27, 2015


January is the month of cleansing to me. It's when I start going through EVERYTHING and either discard it or donate in the hopes that I can downsize and live simpler each new year. Usually I have the same crackpot idea about cleaning enough stuff out of our storage room that it can be turned into a tiny art studio. I swear that room is like something out of Mary Poppins. I keep finding STUFF in there and I can't even recall how it came to be. 

This month I cleaned and re-organized our bookshelf. The poor thing was bending at the ends and quite a few of the books were ones from college. None of them were conversations starters, "Wow, you guys have History of Theater and Writing Styles? You are so cultured and educated"; no one cares. So we came away with two bags worth of books to sell to a local bookstore. Anything that doesn't get sold will be donated to the Friends of the Public Library. 
Cole, when he saw what I had started.

I managed to find three tennis racquet's in the storage c̶a̶v̶e̶ room "Oh, I didn't know you played tennis Melissa", I DON'T! So those are out along with the jump rope and exersize ball that I convinced myself I needed and then never inflated. I'm the worst.

In the end I've made two trips to Goodwill and I'll be heading to the bookstore and clothing exchange this week. I'm still not close to getting my art studio but I'm slooooooooowly getting there.
How I feel


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