Tuesday, January 20, 2015

National Museum of National History

Cole and I snuck into D.C for a day while we were in Virginia. We took the train in and bounced around to the museums that didn't make it on our itinerary last time(s). I really wanted to see the National Archives Building, so we trotted over there first to see the Charters of Freedom (Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights). I was in for a treat when we discovered that their special exhibit was on handwritten letters from various dignitaries, Presidents, and even the likes of Johnny Cash and Frank Sinatra! There are no photos allowed in the National Archives Building (the flash can deteriorate the paper and fabrics at a rapid rate) so you'll have to see it for yourselves! It's quite awe inspiring and I did leave feeling a little more patriotic than usual.

After a quick lunch we made a detour to the National Museum of National History. It was closing earlier than the National Portrait Gallery, so off we went to see some dinosaur bones!
I just enjoyed how many Canadian flags were around the building.

Face to Face with his greatest fear. We can't go camping because of it.

Drinks at the W hotel with Obama in the background...way background.

As you can see, there weren't a whole lot of dino bones to take pictures of (we were also running around like maniacs because it was closing in 30min). We discovered during our mad dash, that they are renovating and expanding the dinosaur exhibit, so only a few were out while the rest are in storage awaiting the big reveal in 2019. Yes, 2019. We never made it to the National Portrait Gallery, but we've added it to our list as well as Newseum for our next trip.


1 comment:

  1. The same thing happened to me! I museum hopped and somehow missed the National Portrait Gallery. A must next time.
