Thursday, December 12, 2013

Bon Jovi

If Cosmo featured a quiz in their magazine called "How spontaneous are you?" (and I'm sure they have at least eight times) I would score 0-5 on their scale of 0-10. Truthfully, I would be a 2-3. I wish I could be as spontaneous as I used to be, but my anxiety doesn't allow for that. It's something I managed when I was younger, but a few years ago it became debilitating and I had to learn new coping tricks and take medication as needed. I don't want to simplify something that I still struggle with, but it boils down to not being in control or at least not feeling like I am. 
This photo warms my heart and makes me laugh. It's so true of many people with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I wish I had the photo credits, but I can't remember where I got it from.
Yesterday I started fixating on a blister I had on my heel. We were heading into Perth Proper to have dinner and happy hour drinks with some of Dad's co-workers. I had put on heels and was pacing around the house to see if the blister would be a bother, and if I would freak out about it later in the evening. My Mom suggested that maybe I put flip flops in my purse because I might be more comfortable with those. My thoughts and pacing became more frantic, 'Why should I change shoes? Will I be annoyed by extra shoes in my bag? What's happening? Why can't I feel this blister? If it's not hurting maybe I'll be ok. Oh God this blister is going to kill me. WHY DONT THEY WANT ME IN HEELS? I WANT TO BE FANCY. BLISTER!' It was then my parents revealed that they were going to surprise us with Bon Jovi tickets once we walked by the arena, but maybe surprising me wasn't the best idea. Parents are very intuitive. Once my initial panic of being in a 15,000 seat arena subsided, I was thrilled! So I threw off my heels and the flippy floppies went on. 
Perth Arena. Not my photo, I got this from Wikipedia.
Jamie Oliver's restaurant where we had a late lunch. Super delicious.
We met Dad's co-workers at Stables. As I'm sure you guessed, it used to be...stables. How handsome is that man?
This thrilled me, even though I don't drink bourbon, however I did partake in a few cans.
Getting pumped up!
The man himself! He was so entertaining. He sang a great mix of old favorites and new songs. I danced a lot. Oh, and I totally fist pumped for 70% of the concert.
We had so much fun and I'm glad I was able to fully enjoy it. I'm really working on trying to go with the flow and take things as they come, because I might miss something wonderful. I'm so thankful to my parents for an amazing early Christmas present!

Thanks for reading!

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