Wednesday, December 18, 2013


I finally did it. I went on a tour bus and took a ride around Perth. Living in San Francisco, there is no shortage of tour buses, and most pass through our neighborhood every 20-30 minutes. Before we hopped on, we had some time to kill and walked around Murray and Hays Streets. They run parallel to each other and both have sections closed off for just pedestrian traffic. Lots of shopping and street performers. We then headed down to Barrack Square, which Cole and I kept pronouncing as Barack, much to the annoyance of my Mom. 'Is this Barack Obama Square?' No. No it isn't. We had lunch down by the Swan River and saw The Bell Tower.
This is the rear view. While I didn't go in, I did find out that it's home to 18 historic bells, one of which dates back to 1550!
Cole took this artistic shot and insisted I use it.
On the top!
Cole has been representing San Francisco and the Lakers this trip.

We drove all around King's Park, which is like the Golden Gate/Central Park of Perth. It is home to Botanical Gardens and the most gorgeous views of the city. It was easy to see why so many people were picnicking there.
Partial view of the city. Thanks tree.
Swan river and another TREE. 

Because we were on the last tour of the day, we didn't hop off since no bus would be coming to pick us up. So, these are the best photos I've got of King's Park. Sorry. After the tour, we jumped off and met Dad and some of his co-workers for drinks before we took the train home.

Thanks for reading!

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