Monday, December 16, 2013

Maritime Museum

Yesterday we headed into Fremantle (Note: I discovered that I've been spelling it wrong! Maybe it's an American thing to spell it Freemantle?) to grab lunch and check out the Western Australian Maritime Museum. It was beautiful inside and had replicas of every vessel that has competed in the America's Cup. For those of you who know me well, I've become quite enamoured by it, so it was a real treat to see all of them. It also showed the development of the port and subsequent city. There were so many cultural influences which can still be seen today.
The America! The first sailing yacht to win in 1851, and what the race is named for.
Replica of the Cup. The real one is much bigger.
The display showed you how they would have packed a cargo ship heading to Fremantle. I just loved the expressions on the sheep's faces.
We did not take the tour inside the sub. We thought it would be too hot, but maybe another day!
As we were leaving, we stumbled upon this gem! It's on a wall of names that came over to Fremantle on ships. Truthfully, there's more to it, but I didn't read the info card! Whoops.
After, we headed to Sail and Anchor for cocktails and then The Monk for lunch. Both are breweries and are recommended if you're ever in Fre(e)mantle.

Thanks for reading!


  1. Looks like you're having so much fun! Please tell me this wasn't you:

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I really enjoyed the part of her floating on her back while apologizing profusely. I don't think I'll be making headlines in Boston during my time in Australia, but you never know...
