Monday, December 9, 2013

"We're French"

I feel like I'm already failing at this, but to be fair we just arrived yesterday. The flights were not bad at all! Emirates is definitely the way to fly and puts U.S airlines to shame *cough*United*cough*. There was a child sitting in front of me who is going to grow up to be a serial killer and I will be his first victim. He wasn't a fan of me reprimanding him for slamming his back into his seat, causing my drink to splash in my lap. He stared at me over his seat for a while which made me and his mother terribly uncomfortable. She kept grabbing him and telling him to stop staring, but he gave 0 fucks and kept doing it. The couple next to us were French and had a fabulous amount of wine. She drank her glass the moment the flight attendant gave it to her and immediately asked for another one by motioning to her empty cup and saying "It's okay, we're French". How great is that?! I wish I could get away with something like that. I think I'll try! "It's okay, I'm American". Somehow it doesn't sound as charming, but I'll let you know how it works. We are going wine tasting today, so I'll have the perfect opportunity. Pictures! I promise to take pictures. Blog Fail.

1 comment:

  1. "It's okay, we're French" is what I'm going to say from now on when Stephanie and I pack a bottle of wine and drink it on the train home. Even though the looks I get from fellow passengers are more envious than judgmental.
